by Chriate | Mar 26, 2014 | Business, PROI, Public Relations, Social Media, Technology
As part of a global partnership PROI, we are lucky to work with the leading independently owned agencies from around the world. Atmosphere in South Africa is a leading consumer agency with two offices in Johansaberg and Cape Town. Our sister agency is led by business... by Chriate | Mar 24, 2014 | Marketing & Branding, Public Relations
But I would like to make a case for us, as individuals with unique talents, and far from the cookie-cutter perceptions unfairly thrust upon our hardworking derrieres. Let me extrapolate, at The Red Republic I work in an office chock full of inspiring, strong, creative... by Chriate | Mar 21, 2014 | Brisbane, Events, Fashion, Health & Beauty, Media, Public Relations, Social Media, Special Events
Yes I’ve heard the lectures, read and seen the warning signs and also understand that there is an incredibly high risk of skin cancer. But what I didn’t know is that young people aged 16-24 years are at the highest risk of sunburn and sun damage. Of course I wear... by Chriate | Mar 17, 2014 | Brisbane, Business, Design, Design by Republic, Marketing & Branding, Media, Technology, Uncategorized
As a designer, I have more apple products than I know what to do with. Most of my life is spent staring at a screen. I love technology and the possibilities it gives me. However nothing quite beats opening up an old book and smelling that oh so familiar aroma or...
by Chriate | Mar 17, 2014 | Breaking News