International partnerships

Have you ever wondered how a business similar to yours operates in Russia, Mexico, New York City or Malta? Well I have and earlier this year I was lucky enough to indulge those thoughts at an international PR conference in Austria. You know the saying about spending...

The social media bandwagon

Just like popular culture, the World Wide Web is full of new crazes that people tend to adopt, love and then abandon once the ‘next big thing’ comes along.  I’m one of those people. Since I first discovered the internet about 12 years ago, I’ve been a loud and proud...

Can I help you?

This includes event design, audio visual production, catering and beverage service, scriptwriting, logistics, budgeting, negotiation and, of course, client service. It is a multi-dimensional profession. Sounds simple huh? Apparently not. Unfortunately there are those...
15 Years of Fame