by redrep | Aug 14, 2018 | Uncategorized
Have you ever booked a holiday without consulting your social media? Me neither. Social media continues to evolve the way that consumers are connecting and engaging with brands, in particular the travel industry – and we think it is for the best. Right from the start,... by Chriate | Oct 16, 2017 | Public Relations, Uncategorized
The glamorous world of PR is met with early mornings, late nights and a schedule that could change at any moment. The thrill of spontaneous moments is what keeps the team going. We work hard to prove to our clients that we are worth investing in. PR gurus need to be... by Chriate | May 2, 2017 | Public Relations, Uncategorized
It’s early Monday morning and time to kick start the week ahead. If you’re like me, you will spend your ‘five more minutes’ scrolling the pages of Instagram for your daily inspo/fashion/foodie/holiday fix. As you lay in bed scoping Instagram, you sight Tash Oakley... by Chriate | Jan 18, 2017 | Uncategorized
Arriving home bleary eyed I realised how ready I was for another year of kicking personal and professional goals and how I was going to take on a “New York” mindset and career style. My first night back in Australia (still on holidays mind you) made me yearn for the... by Chriate | Sep 22, 2016 | Fashion, Public Relations, Uncategorized
Owning a fashion label is no piece of cake and establishing your distinct presence in the highly competitive fashion industry can be challenging. This is when the power of PR comes into the equation! Securing the perfect product placement can sell out an item for the... by Chriate | Aug 31, 2016 | Guest Blogger, Marketing & Branding, Public Relations, Social Media, Uncategorized
In 2016 Social Media is changing quicker than we can keep up with. Every so often our most cherished social media outlets introduce developments to their apps, to out-do the other with the latest and greatest smartphone additions. Front-runners such as Facebook,...