by Chriate | Apr 6, 2011 | Red PR Blog, Social Media
Some may call me crazy for giving up access to these mediums, and most people doubted that I could actually last the whole two weeks, but I had been thinking for a while about how heavily my own and my friend’s lives are influenced by both social media platforms. Too... by Chriate | Apr 1, 2011 | Public Relations, Red PR Blog
Don’t worry – I’m not talking about the most common acronym, I’m actually referring to the alarming phenomenon that seems to be sweeping our bedrooms, workplaces and social circles around Australia; Body Slamming. Examples of BS overheard in the past month... by Chriate | Mar 21, 2011 | Public Relations, Red PR Blog
Now, two months in and I can already tell you – what is written in your texts books doesn’t always work out and there are many hidden challenges involved in the practical side of working a consumer PR agency. Having come to Red with a few internships behind me I was... by Chriate | Mar 17, 2011 | Marketing & Branding, Red PR Blog
You think you are doing it all – as a company you are killing it on the communications front. But have you considered your corporate social responsibility campaign for the year? Be it an environmental focus, what you are doing in your local community, charity... by Chriate | Mar 8, 2011 | Red PR Blog, Special Events
A few years ago I spoke at AIM’s International Women’s Day debate. It was a career highlight to be thought of to speak at such a prestigious event and represent women in general .Since then I like to reflect on this special... by Chriate | Feb 17, 2011 | Brisbane, Red PR Blog
It doesn’t come easy, managing people takes skill and years of experience. What they fail to teach you at University is that in most jobs you will be doing some sort of managing someone, so it wouldn’t go astray to give us the basics. Over the years I have been to...