by Chriate | Jan 13, 2010 | Red PR Blog, Social Media
Facebook’s new promo policy (read about it here) explicitly prohibits “any contests or promotions that require users to become a fan, interact with a feed story, or do anything else outside an application tab or canvas page in order to enter.” In other words,... by Chriate | Jan 11, 2010 | Red PR Blog, Red PR Clients
In the pursuit to satisfy everyone’s needs and expectations we end up juggling our job, family and social life and before we know it the end of the year is here and we are no closer to achieving what we set out to. My question is – does multitasking really help you... by Chriate | Dec 17, 2009 | Red PR Blog, Red PR Clients
To celebrate the launch of Domino’s new and delicious lunchtime range of Oven Baked Sandwiches, Red Public Relations set out execute a viral stunt that was distinctive and tied into our wider publicity campaign. We drew inspiration for the Taste Cop character from old... by Chriate | Dec 14, 2009 | Business, Red PR Blog
Do you smash through it with the biggest rock you can find or wait patiently for someone to do something about it? As a recent journalism graduate trying to find my place in the workforce, admittedly the idea of facing the metaphorical glass ceiling seems a long way... by Chriate | Dec 2, 2009 | Business, Red PR Blog
With the advent of new technology, has social etiquette gone by the wayside? Has communication convenience come at the expense of good manners? Good manners are an essential part of business – or they should be at least. Clients and customers notice the small things... by Chriate | Nov 20, 2009 | Red PR Blog, Red PR Clients
Consider your conscience this Christmas and give a gift that keeps on giving. Whether it is a pre-loved book, personalised greeting card or monetary donation in a friend’s name, many charities have the perfect gift solutions that your family and friends will love and...