by Chriate | Nov 13, 2009 | Brisbane, Red PR Blog
I’ve experienced a whole new level of dramatic weather conditions, from tropical heat and humid evenings right through to freak dust storms and torrential rain (which cut my first camping trip mercifully short!) I’ve swapped my smoggy Birmingham morning commute for a... by Chriate | Nov 11, 2009 | Public Relations, Red PR Blog
I was a young reporter two years into my first major, regular and well-paying gig. After winning a few awards and carving a bit of a name for myself, I decided to move to the dark-side of public relations. Not long after, I discovered that this side isn’t as dark as... by Chriate | Nov 6, 2009 | Public Relations, Red PR Blog
In dating it might be bad timing (in the media world this is called deadline) or perhaps a flame (journalist) has been burned by an ex (PR person) before. Regardless of the reason, media partnerships – like relationships – either work out or don’t. There are the one... by Chriate | Oct 20, 2009 | Business, Red PR Blog
Going on to be described as the greatest basketball player of all time, Jordan was instrumental in popularising the NBA around the world in the 1980s and 1990s. He became a true team player and the game was all the better for it. Team work is not easy; it takes hard... by Chriate | Oct 15, 2009 | Brisbane, Red PR Blog
They talk of GoMA as the catalyst for Brisbane’s cultural revolution. They portray Brisbane as Sydney and Melbourne’s poor cousin, just starting to come out of an awkward adolescent phase and who, with the right attention, clothes and make-up could just be ok. I loved... by Chriate | Oct 5, 2009 | Public Relations, Red PR Blog
Dear Candidate, Thank you for your interest in the recently advertised job vacancy. We have been inundated with impressive candidates; however unfortunately we will not be pursuing your submission any further. It’s about your application. You know, the one you...