In the pursuit to satisfy everyone’s needs and expectations we end up juggling our job, family and social life and before we know it the end of the year is here and we are no closer to achieving what we set out to.
My question is – does multitasking really help you achieve all your goals? An interesting article in Dynamic Business Magazine covers the topic of New Year business resolution.
It was interesting to see that the common link between the successful business owners in the article was the struggle of finding the perfect work/life balance. We live in a world where everything is extremely fast-paced especially when it comes to our work other aspects of our life fall by the wayside.
I think the best way to start the New Year is with a clean slate. I did a bit of research regarding the best way to set your New Year resolutions. ‘Planning’ seems to be the key element! Planning stage can be related to both your personal and professional life. Before 2009 runs out, write down everything that you want to change or improve on. Throughout the year it is imperative to refer back to your goals as this will help you stay on track.
This is the perfect time for you to do something about different aspects of your life because you don’t want 2009’s stress to be following you into this year.
Understanding what you want from the New Year will help you keep your New Year resolution.
Helena Racic
Red PR Intern