Spring has arrived, and with it comes the promise that shorts, dresses and bikinis are just around the corner. Although this idea alone is enough to terrify some of us into action, it’s not just about fighting the flab – summer is a time you want to feel fit, energised and healthy.
So that being said our goals and yes, weights (eek) have been recorded by our Agency Manager Rodica, who will declare an overall winner when the 12 weeks is up – there is nothing like a little hint of competition to keep things interesting.
Like every good challenge, we plan to keep ourselves motivated with some great incentives. At the six week mark, we are going to do the Story Bridge Climb as a team which we are all really looking forward to. For the day-to-day temptations, we are allowing ourselves one or two Caramello Koalas along the way – we can’t go completely cold turkey on those.
If you have any gems of fitness wisdom that you’d like to share with us please send me an email at [email protected]