by Chriate | Dec 22, 2010 | Business, Red PR Blog
Highlights from the year past. 1. Quickbeds – We worked with Quickbeds to launch their new site with Aussie larrikin Warwick Caper as the face of the ‘cheap and easy’ campaign – promotions, editorial, social media, famils we had it all and it was... by Chriate | Dec 22, 2010 | Blue by Red PR Blog, Business
Highlights from the year past. 1. Quickbeds – We worked with Quickbeds to launch their new site with Aussie larrikin Warwick Caper as the face of the ‘cheap and easy’ campaign – promotions, editorial, social media, famils we had it all and it was... by Chriate | Dec 22, 2010 | Blue by Red PR Blog, Travel
Filming two episodes of her series at the Sydney Oprah House, this will be the ultimate product placement deal in what is Oprah’s ultimate season. The deal took more than a year to put together and is being hailed as the biggest achievement for Tourism Australia and... by Chriate | Dec 22, 2010 | Blue by Red PR Blog, Red PR Clients
This was the invitation we extended to many an innocent bystander in Sydney’s lunch host-spot, Australia Square recently. And no – this cheeky little stunt was not to aid Wazza get a date (he is already spoken for sorry ladies) but to help raise the profile of... by Chriate | Dec 3, 2010 | Blue by Red PR Blog, Business
A drink shook the nerves as I scanned the room for potential conversation. Surrounded by graduates who seemed eager to pounce at any given opportunity, I needed a way to stand out in the crowd. Case studies were presented by various organisations and question time...