by Chriate | Mar 11, 2014 | Marketing & Branding, Media, Public Relations
Local news readers feel a strong attachment to their community, so news close to home will engage them – and the effects of a story can even ignite local campaigns. Why? The top three factors that make a story newsworthy are timing (it needs to be new), significance... by Chriate | Feb 28, 2014 | Brisbane, Events, Public Relations, Special Events, Uncategorized
The Little Mermaid, fireworks, PT sessions, live music, Captain Jack Sparrow, bustling market stalls and a five kilometre fun run… all in a day’s work. Saturday January 25, was a busy day for The Red Republic; the launch of the Yarrabilba Super Park, the third... by Chriate | Feb 21, 2014 | Breaking News, Brisbane, Social Media, Travel
If you follow me on social media you’re probably well aware I recently moved to Sydney. No doubt I’ve spammed you with my Opera House, Bondi Beach, Newtown hipster, I’m-a-Sydney-rookie, wow-its-a-bridge type posts… in fact, you’ve probably hit ‘unfollow’ (if you... by Chriate | Feb 18, 2014 | Breaking News
We are looking for a superstar intern to join our office in Surry Hills on a Monday – email your CV to [email protected] by Chriate | Feb 14, 2014 | Breaking News, Brisbane, Events, Health & Beauty, Hospitality, Media, Travel
Since launching into the consumer market in August 2013, has won the hearts of avid travellers by offering unique high-end accommodation packages that afford everyday Australians the opportunity to holiday like kings and queens at a fraction of the...