All for Charity

In Brisbane, Red PR has helped charities both international and local, including Sids and Kids, The Heart Foundation, Cancer Council, The Hear and Say Centre and International Adoption Day. We know how much supporting charities can achieve and recommend it to all of...

5 PR Misconceptions

One purpose of PR is to get good press and avoid bad press, but PR itself has had pretty bad press over the years. The public image of PR has been created by corporate consultants who made their living covering up toxic spills and celebrity rehab stunts. It is...

From Intern to PA

While I secretly chastised myself for not having my phone on me, I rang her back and I listened.  I listened as I was offered a job within Red PR, I listened as I was offered a chance to step into an innovative and leading PR agency and I listened as I held my hand...

Are Bloggers Part of Your Plan?

What an opportunity to learn about the perception of your brand, your product, your message. Now consider this – the room is filled with bloggers – women bloggers. And these women are the voice (a very, very large voice) in the buying decisions of all of their peers,...
15 Years of Fame