I Like It …….

When I first saw one of these updates on my friends facebook it threw me as she isn’t the type of girl to share her most intimate secrets…however it all soon became clear once I had received the secret email that like me thousands of other woman received last week....

Meet me Halfway

As some of you may know, the Red PR girls have been on a self-imposed 12 week fitness challenge. Next Monday will officially mark the halfway point on this challenge and although some of us didn’t think we could make it this far – We are all fairly excited to see our...

One day down 83 to go!

Spring has arrived, and with it comes the promise that shorts, dresses and bikinis are just around the corner. Although this idea alone is enough to terrify some of us into action, it’s not just about fighting the flab – summer is a time you want to feel fit,...
15 Years of Fame